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jupanu17junghi21083 (2)

Calificative pozitive in ultimele 12 luni: 100%
Membru din: 21 Iunie 2022
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Tip calificative Numar calificative
Pozitive 13
Neutre 0
Negative 0

Toate calificativele - vezi calificativele pe 12 luni

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Vinil 2XLP Various – Saturday Night Fever (VG) (228285292) vinilprintedingermany

2022-12-24 13:15:37

Vinil "Japan Press" 2XLP Various ‎– Hot Menu '73 -The Best Of Warner (-VG) (214827348) vinilprintedingermany

2022-12-24 13:15:37

Vinil "Japan Press" Dean Martin ‎– Everybody Loves Somebody (VG++) (225256220) vinilprintedingermany

2022-12-24 13:15:37

Vinil "Japan Press" GLENN MILLER SYMPHONY THE LUXEMBURG POP ORCHESTRA (VG+) (220573116) vinilprintedingermany

2022-12-24 13:15:37

Vinil "Japan Press" ABBA ‎– Arrival (-VG) (221007708) vinilprintedingermany

2022-12-24 13:15:37

Vinil "Japan Press" Eagles ‎– The Long Run (VG) (222188988) vinilprintedingermany

2022-12-24 13:15:37

Vinil "Japan Press" Richard Clayderman – Concerto Pour ...."Je T'Aime" (EX) (221131391) vinilprintedingermany

2022-12-24 13:15:37

VINIL Vangelis ‎– Chariots Of Fire (VG++ ) (212488443) vinilprintedingermany

2022-07-04 16:11:05

Vinil Rod Stewart ‎– Blondes Have More Fun (VG+) (224857252) vinilprintedingermany

2022-07-04 16:11:05

Vinil Kenny Rogers – Love Will Turn You Around (EX) (220804093) vinilprintedingermany

2022-07-04 16:11:05

VINIL 2XLP Richard Clayderman ‎– The Magic Of Richard Clayderman (VG) (212462776) vinilprintedingermany

2022-07-04 16:11:04

VINIL Jean-Michel Jarre ‎– Musik Aus Zeit Und Raum (-VG) (215180222) vinilprintedingermany

2022-07-04 16:11:04

VINIL Rod Stewart ‎– Body Wishes ( VG+) (211950837) vinilprintedingermany

2022-07-04 16:11:04

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